2017-02-26 11:21:17 UTC
Looking for analysis help. The data are as follows:
*There are 18-19 "respondents", with a few missing values.
*Each "respondent" refers to a patient-therapist (PT) relationship and is coded by the patient (P) and therapist (T) IDs. Mostly it's one P per T, though 4 therapists saw two patients each.
*Each patient has 12-17 sessions (it was supposed to be 16, but a few stopped early, and there were two cases of 17 sessions, which could be dropped).
*For each session, there are two patient variables, each a single number, one before and one after the session. There are four therapist variables (4 subscales of a questionnaire) measured once (after the session).
*Thus, there are 250-300 rows of data (18 or 19 * 16 or 17, with some missing data, and some PTs had fewer than 16 sessions), each row having patient ID, therapist ID, session number, patient before variable, patient after variable, and 4 therapist variables.
*The goal is to get an overall measure of correlation for each of the 8 pairs of patient*therapist (2 patient*4 therapist) variables.
*My main question is, given the data structure, how best to control for the fact that there are multiple sessions per PT, and thus the measures must be assumed to have a certain degree in dependence within each PT. I've seen suggestions to use covariance structure, but this is, I think, problematic given missing data and unequal number of sessions per PT.
*I'd prefer something which could be done using SPSS.
*There are 18-19 "respondents", with a few missing values.
*Each "respondent" refers to a patient-therapist (PT) relationship and is coded by the patient (P) and therapist (T) IDs. Mostly it's one P per T, though 4 therapists saw two patients each.
*Each patient has 12-17 sessions (it was supposed to be 16, but a few stopped early, and there were two cases of 17 sessions, which could be dropped).
*For each session, there are two patient variables, each a single number, one before and one after the session. There are four therapist variables (4 subscales of a questionnaire) measured once (after the session).
*Thus, there are 250-300 rows of data (18 or 19 * 16 or 17, with some missing data, and some PTs had fewer than 16 sessions), each row having patient ID, therapist ID, session number, patient before variable, patient after variable, and 4 therapist variables.
*The goal is to get an overall measure of correlation for each of the 8 pairs of patient*therapist (2 patient*4 therapist) variables.
*My main question is, given the data structure, how best to control for the fact that there are multiple sessions per PT, and thus the measures must be assumed to have a certain degree in dependence within each PT. I've seen suggestions to use covariance structure, but this is, I think, problematic given missing data and unequal number of sessions per PT.
*I'd prefer something which could be done using SPSS.