Post by Jinsong ZhaoThank you very much for the explanation and the suggestions. We have 3
units in the experiment. In the experiments, we added a tracers into the
soil, and measured the tracers in fungi. At the beginning of each week,
we added the same amount of tracers into the soil. Finally, we got the
week fungi unit
1 0.70 1
1 0.96 2
1 0.71 3
2 0.92 1
2 0.91 2
2 0.92 3
3 1.50 1
3 2.13 2
3 2.07 3
4 1.88 1
4 1.58 2
4 1.86 3
5 3.83 1
5 4.06 2
5 3.97 3
6 6.82 1
6 5.91 2
6 6.56 3
7 10.05 1
7 10.38 2
7 8.12 3
8 11.17 1
8 11.29 2
8 11.11 3
It's some kind of "repeated measure". We have try to test the effects of
time on the residual of tracers in fungi by linear mixed model in R. The
Post by Rich Ulrichsummary(lme(fungi ~ week, random = ~1|unit, data = xxw))
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: xxw
AIC BIC logLik
90.95309 95.31726 -41.47655
Formula: ~1 | unit
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 3.439275e-05 1.328719
Fixed effects: fungi ~ week
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) -2.489643 0.5977476 20 -4.165041 5e-04
week 1.566310 0.1183717 20 13.232133 0e+00
week -0.891
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-1.65241557 -0.80463759 -0.06303065 0.87239442 1.43407057
Number of Observations: 24
Number of Groups: 3
Post by Rich Ulrichanova(lme(fungi ~ week, random = ~1|unit, data = xxw))
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 20 282.5119 <.0001
week 1 20 175.0893 <.0001
However, we don't have the full confidence about the results...
I don't know the vocabulary of your science, so I'm
still missing the meaning of those numbers. Growth?
I don't see any test done for difference between Units 1-3.
There's probably no notable difference, but I would check.
The Repeated Measures can also be set up as a two-way ANOVA,
with Week by Unit as factors, to get that test.
I suggest that you look at the table rearranged for easier
understanding; and graph the numbers. Then study the
growth curves for each unit.
Here is your data as I table it (pardon any typos, and
variable-font spacing). (Decimal place shifted, for readability.)
70 96 71
92 91 92
150 213 207
188 158 186
383 406 397
682 591 656
1005 1038 812
1117 1129 1111
I would still look at linear trend and "difference from
linear". I see a report of a large correlation, which would
be a measure of Linear; but I don't see a test on it. On the other
hand, your simple growh is of large enough magnitude that
you don't really need to show that test, "Yes, Growth exists
and is large across the 8 weeks."
The test for "nonlinear" will probably be significant if you
use those raw scores and their exponential increase. The test
for Nonlinear would be more interesting on data tested after
taking the logarithms, where it would tend to capture the
effect of the plateaus.
Tukey offered a rule of thumb about transformations -
if your largest numbers are 10 times the smallest, there's
a good chance that you should transform. You have that.
You also have the first four weeks of scores ranging from
70 to 186 -- 116 "points" of range; the next four ranging
from 383 to 1129, or 646 points. A sizable difference.
On the other hand, each 4-week part shows a similar
increase near 3-fold, suggesting that taking logs is linearizing
What I see in the table looks like growth with plateaus -
(1,2); (3,4); 5; 6; (7,8).
Could this be something with spurts in a growth/reproduction
cycle of a bit less than two weeks? - so that there is a split
between 5 and 6?
You have not stated any hypotheses, either Main or
Alternative. If you are going to write a narrative that
will leave you "full confidence in the results", you really
want to have something concrete to say. Start by churning
out whatever may be a set of interesting hypotheses
Rich Ulrich